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Friday, March 28, 2008


If the words diarrhea, the runs, poop, or blow out make you nauseous or offend you, please stop reading now and just know we had a rough couple of nights. If you are brave enough to keep reading I will start by saying that as a weaker stomached person, I have always wondered how I would handle waking up in the middle of the night to deal with diarrhea all over my child and her bed.

This disgusting story actually started with Kendall last weekend who got the runs for a couple of days, but luckily her diaper kept everything well contained. I was hoping she wouldn't be sharing this with any other member of the family, but sure enough, it was passed on to Cadence. Wednesday night Cadence woke up around two thirty in the morning with diarrhea EVERYWHERE. She still wears pull-ups to bed so you would think that would help a little bit, but not really. She pretty much got everything, pillow, blankets, even the floor! She first went to get Daddy who was still awake, so with his help, I didn't have to do to much of the nasty stuff. Daddy pulled all the dirty pajama's and blankets off and I put the new ones on. So I thought that I handled it well.

Then last night, ugh what a night. The night actually started with Kendall waking up, which isn't so abnormal because I will just give her a bottle and she will just go right back to sleep, but not last night. She wanted to have nothing to do with the bottle, so I just closed the door and let her cry it out thinking she would eventually go back to sleep. She fussed for about 30-45 minutes, and of course I couldn't sleep during that time because I can still hear her. So finally, I go in and ask if she wants a bottle and she says no, so I figure maybe she wanted her diaper changed. I went into Cadence's room to get a diaper and her room smelled awful!! That's right she had another blow out but she didn't even wake up!! (She sleeps like no child I have ever met.) So I changed Kendall (she still didn't go to sleep for another half hour) and went and got started on cleaning up her sister. I think I only gagged once and dry heaved twice so I got through it okay, but these are moments I knew I wouldn't like.

So with everything cleaned up and both children back asleep, I thought okay finally I can get some sleep too. By now it was probably two thirty or three in the morning ( please note that I worked last night so I didn't even get home until after midnight and was just starting to fall asleep with all this started!!) My restful sleep didn't last long because for the next hour Cadence woke me up twice more to go potty again, once with more diarrhea and once without. We had to make a trip to the kitchen this time for water and then I thought okay let's get some sleep. Ha Ha jokes on me! Kendall woke up AGAIN!! This time it was about five thirty. She still didn't want a bottle just "up" so I stood and rocked her for about fifteen minutes and then she said,"down" and went to bed. Maybe she had a bad dream? Maybe she just wanted a hug? I don't know, but I was sure glad that I went to bed after that and stayed in bed until Cadence woke me up at nine. So here I am feeling a little sleep deprived and loopy but mostly just hopeful that the worst is behind us.


Happy The Man said...

Now this is my kind of blog! Poop in any form is of course my favorite subject. I particularly like this story because it's not in my house nor anywhere near me! e-poop is much better than real poop.

I have some advice for the future from someone who has been there. If the pull-up isn't affective and you've learned that by experience, by all means improvise, get one of Kendall's diapers, duct tape it on if you have too! The critical concept here is containment. You still have to deal with it, but not EVERYWHERE.

BTW, I can usually come up with a fix/solution for anything so long as I have some Duct tape, super glue and/or a can of WD-40.

I know you didn't ask, but like junk mail, spam and at times diarrhea, some things are free!!!

Cathleen said...

My oh my, oh my! You have my complete sympathy! I have been in similar predicaments in the past and would not wish it on anyone.
The summer when Aleks was about 15 months old, she had something that went on for months. She would get up with either diarrhea or vomit (or both) all over her crib. Pillows, blankets, bumper pads, stuffed animals were all ruined. I took her to the doctor repeatedly, and to the emergency room twice (for being extremely lethargic). They ran every test they could think of and came up with nothing. We had to severely restrict her diet, it was the only to keep it somewhat under control. Well it eventually stopped. We never knew why it started or why it finally stopped...but we were very grateful never the less! One of my friends said that she had gone through something similar while her daughter was teething. The extra saliva production was supposedly an extreme irritant to the stomach. Sounded crazy to me, but since we never got any other explanation and she was may have been what caused it.
Anyway....hope they are on the mend soon, and that you can all get some undisturbed sleep!

My Name Is Michelle said...

Um, really make me want to have children!

J-Dawg said...

All I have to say is... Where are the pictures? Come now; I can't believe that you didn't think to get the camera out during all of this. :P

Aleks said...

Poor Cadence and you! I wouldn't want to be the one making the mess but I think cleaning it up would be worse! Also you didn't get much sleep either! wow..... I hope you get some sleep and Cadence starts to feel better.