Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, May 30, 2008

That's what you get...

We all know the old rhyme "Ten Little Monkey's " right...
Ten little monkey's jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkey's jumping on the bed!"
Yes, well a little routine we have around here is that on the day mommy cleans the sheets we have a free for all jumping on the bed party. Even Daddy gets in on the fun sometimes, he is the best at singing the song and Cadence loves to sing with him. This last time Cadence taught us some new lyrics (and I think her Daddy had something to do with it if you ask me!)
After Daddy sang out, "Momma called the doctor and the doctor said," Cadence chimed in with, "That's what you get for jumping on the bed!"

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

SNArt Time

After nap today Kendall was ready for a snack and Cadence wanted to color so I decided to combine and do them together... and then I learned my lesson...

Kendall colored her apple and then ate from the wrong hand...
And she wasn't too please with me trying to take a picture!

Friday, May 23, 2008

A visit with Pops!!!

Today Pops came for a visit and boy did we have fun!!

Here he is with both the girls!

Playing tea party!

Playing dress up!

We wish Pops lived closer but it is definitely special when he comes to visit!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Jana Alayra

Today around four thirty or so my friend Sonya called me up and said,"I just found out that Jana Alayra is giving a free concert tonight do you want to go?"
Uhhh... Jana YEAH!!!
So as soon as Kendall was up from her nap, we hopped in the car to meet them and off to the concert we went.
Mya (Sonya's two year old) was a little more familiar with the music and songs so she got into it right away! But as soon as Cadence saw what was going on she joined right in, in no time at all. And where was Kendall, in the middle of the kiddy mosh pit? Oh no, she was pretty much glued to my lap the whole time!! After Jana sang a few newer songs, she played some ones that we have heard before. When Cadence heard them she would lean over and say, "This is Meena's song for her class!" She is remembering that she hears some of these songs Sunday mornings when Meena plays them for her Bible Classes. I do have some great pictures of the three girls dancing and running around and a few, of course, of Jana doin' her thing, but until we finish fixing the computer's issues, you'll just have to wait!!

So here are a few of those photos I promised a few months ago!!

Bye Bye Ba-Ba

I keep having the realization that I am not waiting for my children to be in the right moment, it is myself that I am waiting for. I remember I kept waiting for Cadence to be ready to be potty trained, but then I realized that I am waiting for ME to be ready to potty train her. I think it may have been more work, worry and stress for me than her. So here I am again realizing that I am really not waiting for Kendall to give up the bottle, is she really going to look up at me one night and say,"No thank you mama, I don't want a bottle anymore." No, I am waiting for myself to be ready to ween her off. AND TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!! A few months ago I thought maybe I could just start giving her less and less until there is nothing there and that will be easy right?!?! Well, it was a nice idea but it didn't really work.
Today as I sat and watched her finish her lunch and then ask for her blanket, I thought, if she can ask for her blanket and fall asleep in her high chair after lunch, surely she can fall asleep by herself in her bed! Today's nap time was the test. I didn't even mention the bottle to her and just said goodnight, and shut the door. It took her a few seconds to realize that she didn't have her bottle. She cried out for less than a minute, and not even a hard cry, and she was done. I wasn't really that surprised, I knew it would probably be harder at bedtime. After bath time Daddy asked Kendall, " Are you ready for a bottle?" So I had to remind him that she isn't getting a bottle anymore, to which he replied, "Kendall, Mommy is going to put you to bed tonight." And so I did.
After we gathered her blankets, baby and teddy bear, I gave her a hug and a kiss and put her down. This time she immediately realized that she didn't have a bottle and started to cry and say "Ba-Ba Peeez". So I told her, "Ba-Ba is all gone. No more Ba-Ba. Say all done." And even though she was still crying a little she said, " All done." And blew me a kiss. I closed the door and even though the crying was a little harder than at nap, it still lasted less than a minute! I am very proud of her.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

And then there were Two

Today was a sad day, we lost one of our beloved pets. Today we say goodbye to Lothar King of the Hill People ( yes, that is his whole name.) He was one of the wackiest fish we have ever owned. He was a clown loach fish, orange with black stripes. Kind of like a fresh water Nemo! The thing that attracted us to him in the first place was the fact that he was the biggest and fattest clown loch fish we had EVER seen. After we got him we were soon to realize all the wonderful personality traits he possessed. He lived harmoniously with Pacu and Tread, he was a "little" fish swimming in a big boy pond, a very brave fish! The thing that made him so wacky was that he would play dead on the bottom of the tank. I can't even tell you the number of times Bart would tell me that Lothar was dead and I would rush over to see him lying there and realize, he always does that. I think he liked entertaining us! He was just one big fat lazy fish and we loved him so much and I will truly miss seeing him playing dead.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Yellow Pool

Tonight we all went out to dinner to a local restaurant called Wing Nuts. They have about thirty different flavors for their wings and ribs, and Bart LOVES it!! Usually we bring a bag with drinks for the girls but because this was a last minute decision we were caught unprepared and had to get drinks for the girls at the restaurant. Well the cups they use are Styrofoam, probably not the best option for kids. At one point tonight Cadence kept taking the straw out and getting juice everywhere, so I told her to put the straw back in the cup and leave it there, needless to say she wasn't very happy with this so she jammed the straw back in the cup. Well, the straw went all the way through the bottom of the cup and orange juice started leaking everywhere (which is exactly what I was trying to avoid in the first place) so I quickly grabbed the cup from her and held it over her plate until it was empty. Of course the girls thought it was quite funny and Cadence started laughing and said,"They're swimming!!" Talking about her nachos. "They are swimming in a yellow pool, yep I think so." I could not contain the laughter, Bart and I busted up laughing at the whole situation.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mother's Day

I don't even know where to begin to describe the love, thoughtfulness and generosity shown to me on my Mother's Day. My day was perfect from midnight to midnight.
My mothers day started with me sweeping the floors at Chili's at midnight while I was trying to finish my side work and get out of there. When I got home I was presented with my first gift, organized and given by my own wonderful, creative and selfless mother.

The flowers were beautiful, the balloons were a perfect decoration and of course I loved the Willow Creek figurine " A Child of My Heart" that is a perfect addition to my collection. But the thing that pulled at my heartstrings the most and actually made me cry and the frame sitting in the middle of the table.

On one side is a piece drawn by Cadence, it is a picture of Mommy standing on the grass holding a balloon. On the opposite side is a piece drawn by Kendall of a whole bunch of circles she points at and says balloons. And finally in the middle is both of their hand prints. Ahh, my heart melted.

This was followed by the perfect night of sleep, I don't even think I woke up to turn over or anything, this does not happen very often. And even though I only got less than seven hours of sleep, I woke up rejuvenated and excited for my day. The girls and I went to church in the morning and afterward we met up with Craig and Cherilyn and took my mom to lunch. It is always awesome to sit and eat with my family. Family and food, what else compares?? Ha just kidding! After that my mom and I took the girls to the beach. And of course it was perfect, just the right temperature, breeze and parking was free- Perfect!!

We left the beach a little late and rushed over to the Cilderman's to celebrate our other great Mother! All the mothers were served a very wonderful meal. I definitely felt pampered! But I think my favorite part of the whole day was during dinner right after I gave Kendall her biscuit with butter and jelly. Pictures are worth a thousand words right, well here you go...

After Uncle Janis noticed and we all had a huge laugh, Minnie jumped up and said," I'll go get some napkins" and I told her, "No thank you, I would rather have a camera!!" Thankfully Aunt Jenn had one handy and saved moment for us!
So to all you Mother's out there, I hope your Mother's Day was as perfect as mine was!

Friday, May 2, 2008

I can't hear Mommy

Yesterday after cleaning up the girls room, I closed the door behind me so they wouldn't go back in and tear the place up again. After a few minutes in the living room, Cadence started wandering toward their bedroom.
I told her, "Cadence come back we are going to stay and play in the living room."
A few seconds went by with no answer and no return, so I called out, "Cadence did you hear me?"
At this point I heard the bedroom door open, Cadence run in and yell," Oh no!!! I can't hear you Mommy, I can't hear you." I just had to laugh because, well... I thought it was funny! Maybe she thought if she was far enough away from me (like in her room) that she say that she couldn't hear me and then she wouldn't have to obey!