Yes, we got to go to the pool AND the beach this week. No, I don 't have any pictures... can you believe it?!? Well I can't, I left my camera home on Monday when Bart and I took the girls to the pool. And when I went to take a picture at the beach I realized I left the battery on the charger at home!! I was so bummed. But here is a recap anyway...
The pool was fun, we didn't get to swim that long. Kendall was not liking it at all. I was really bummed I thought all kids loved swimming. The whole time she was with me she was fussing and kept pointing to the edge of the pool because she wanted out. I made her stay with me for about ten minutes and when she realized that she wasn't going to get out she stopped whimpering and splashed and kicked for about a minute and then started getting up set again. So we let her get out and she was content in just walking around. I think she just needs to get used to it, if the weather is still nice we will try again next week. Cadence on the other hand loved it. She would stand on the side of the pool and hold my hands pretending to jump in, but I think it was more of me just pulling her in! She did let me put her down on the steps for a few minutes and we kicked and kicked and loved watching the "waves" we were making. Kendall was laughing at us and saying "WEEEEEE!" Then last night we all went to the mall. We had dinner at Ruby's ( one of my favorites ) and then took a walk to the water fountain and then to the pet store. I think my new favorite dog is the King Charles... so adorable. Afterward we took about eight rides up and down the escalators!! I felt like a kid again :O) Again Kendall kept saying "WEEEEE!" Cadence and I would be going up on one side and Kendall and Daddy would be going down on the other and we would give High Fives as we passed each other. It was a lot of fun!
So moving on to today, we went to the beach!! Three of my girlfriends from work and I met at Chili's for lunch and then took the girls down to Dana Point Harbor. We stopped and got ice cream Cadence got the cotton candy and Kendall the birthday cake, they loved it. We then took them down to the beach part to play in the sun and sand! Cadence loved it, of course. Kendall's first reaction was to cry and run away. Literally, she was running away from me to get to the sidewalk. She wanted to have nothing to do with the sand. I carried her back to our spot and she camped herself out on the towel for about thirty minutes until she felt comfortable enough to venture out onto the sand. It was so funny to watch her, she was walking like a new walker. Hands in front of her, thinking about each step she took. Finally by the end she was running around, playing ball and being herself. Cadence kept herself busy building sand castles! She sat and filled her huge purple pail over and over and made all these little mounds of sand all over. They were her sand castles and she was so proud of them. I of course was so proud of her.
This was Kelli and Amanda's first time meeting the girls and they were so impressed with our girls and how well behaved they were. I love my daughters and they made me very proud to be a Mommy!