Today was a sad day, we lost one of our beloved pets. Today we say goodbye to Lothar King of the Hill People ( yes, that is his whole name.) He was one of the wackiest fish we have ever owned. He was a clown loach fish, orange with black stripes. Kind of like a fresh water Nemo! The thing that attracted us to him in the first place was the fact that he was the biggest and fattest clown loch fish we had EVER seen. After we got him we were soon to realize all the wonderful personality traits he possessed. He lived harmoniously with Pacu and Tread, he was a "little" fish swimming in a big boy pond, a very brave fish! The thing that made him so wacky was that he would play dead on the bottom of the tank. I can't even tell you the number of times Bart would tell me that Lothar was dead and I would rush over to see him lying there and realize, he always does that. I think he liked entertaining us! He was just one big fat lazy fish and we loved him so much and I will truly miss seeing him playing dead.
I am sorry to hear about your fish. It is funny how even something that small has a personality. How long did you have him and will you be adding another one now? Greg was totally into saltwater fish growing up. They had a huge tank I guess. I really don't know anything about them myself. The kids had a couple of goldfish once (which died very quickly), that is the extent of my fish experience.
We have had Lothar for about three years. I remember being pregnant when we were shopping for him! Unfortunately the store we bought him from was shut down (it was a privately owned shop and offered a bigger, and more unique collection than nationwide corporations) so we probably won't be getting another one to replace him. The two fish we have are HUGE and if we started with another baby fish they would eat it (we tried it before!!) So until we find a new home for Pacu (which kind of needs to happen because he has out grown his home) we might start a new family then!
Looks like Lothar was just practicing that dead thing for the final act. Are you sure he wasn't still faking it???
Too bad that store closed down, else you could return Lothar and say, "I'd like an exchange, this fish is defective"
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