I keep having the realization that I am not waiting for my children to be in the right moment, it is myself that I am waiting for. I remember I kept waiting for Cadence to be ready to be potty trained, but then I realized that I am waiting for ME to be ready to potty train her. I think it may have been more work, worry and stress for me than her. So here I am again realizing that I am really not waiting for Kendall to give up the bottle, is she really going to look up at me one night and say,"No thank you mama, I don't want a bottle anymore." No, I am waiting for myself to be ready to ween her off. AND TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!! A few months ago I thought maybe I could just start giving her less and less until there is nothing there and that will be easy right?!?! Well, it was a nice idea but it didn't really work.
Today as I sat and watched her finish her lunch and then ask for her blanket, I thought, if she can ask for her blanket and fall asleep in her high chair after lunch, surely she can fall asleep by herself in her bed! Today's nap time was the test. I didn't even mention the bottle to her and just said goodnight, and shut the door. It took her a few seconds to realize that she didn't have her bottle. She cried out for less than a minute, and not even a hard cry, and she was done. I wasn't really that surprised, I knew it would probably be harder at bedtime. After bath time Daddy asked Kendall, " Are you ready for a bottle?" So I had to remind him that she isn't getting a bottle anymore, to which he replied, "Kendall, Mommy is going to put you to bed tonight." And so I did.
After we gathered her blankets, baby and teddy bear, I gave her a hug and a kiss and put her down. This time she immediately realized that she didn't have a bottle and started to cry and say "Ba-Ba Peeez". So I told her, "Ba-Ba is all gone. No more Ba-Ba. Say all done." And even though she was still crying a little she said, " All done." And blew me a kiss. I closed the door and even though the crying was a little harder than at nap, it still lasted less than a minute! I am very proud of her.